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Ellen Realty 西雅圖房地產
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 10 reviews
 by Doris

Ellen and Tim were incredibly professional and responsive. They understood our needs and provided valuable insights into different neighborhoods, which was especially helpful as out-of-state investors. Tim’s expertise in construction, including property quality and potential improvements post-purchase, was invaluable. Our entire experience was smooth, with Ellen and Tim quickly addressing any questions or issues. We highly recommend them to anyone looking to buy a house in Washington.

 by Jessica


 by Teresa Lan

因為Covid-19疫情及在北加的工作,我們無法親身前來西雅圖尋找房產投資.要不是Ellen及她團隊的幫助,難以想像在不到兩個月的時間我們能在Wedgwood 買到一獨棟房,在Wallingford買到一正在新建的townhouse. 我要在這裡強力推薦Ellen及她的團隊:

1)Ellen親切,細心,傾聽的特質完全彌補了我們無法親臨Seattle可能發生的疏失; 透過频繁而及時的網路聯繫,她確實充分了解我們的需求.

2)Ellen的專業,毅力和耐力,依我們需求從大西雅圖East Side開始之後又回到西雅圖downtown, NE.. 最終引導我們鎖定了目標區找到了理想的投資標的. 透過Ellen及團隊現場拍攝的Video,我們反覆觀看.Ellen正視所有我們提出的問題,一一耐心解說直到我們完全滿意.


4)Ellen的敬業及積極,以我們的需求為首要; 我們對她的解析和判斷因而有百分之一百的信心.我們信任她.

 by Yvonne Lee

我們從東岸跨州搬來了西雅圖,前天終於順利交屋了. 從4月開始找房子到順利搬進新家,Ellen給了我們最有力的協助.


通過和Ellen的持續溝通,我們很快了解了市場的狀況,也理清了自己的需求,選出了符合我們居住要求的區域.在house tour時,不但非常專業和資深,她更像是個時時為你著想的好朋友.每個房子她都邊看邊快速列出優缺點, 尤其會很誠實的提醒你房子存在的缺點和問題,就這樣我們在最後一天找到了心儀的房子.

之後Ellen以她們豐富的經驗,用offer letter等各種方法幫我們提前佔位,並以listing price就拿下了房子,讓我們在這個激烈的市場中搶到了自己心儀的家.



 by Shannon Chen

I had a really good experience working with Ellen. Ellen detailed explained the pros and cons of each area and house and was able to provide me the most updated information. Ellen knows the market really well and were able to provide a great offer in a really short time. She understands the client’s needs and was able to find a house that fits the client's needs. I was able to buy a house within a month. Highly recommend Ellen to someone who is buying the first house.

 by Tai ***

Ellen's team was extremely accommodating, and respond quickly whenever we have questions. Within a weekend, they took us to check out more than 15 houses! Ultimately, we successfully bought a house using their extremely spot on bidding recommendation. We would recommend Ellen's team to anyone that is serious in buying a house.

 by Emily

Just to reach out and say thank you!

Y and I are very excited about our first home ever!!! The road to becoming a homeowner is definitely not easy. We really appreciate your help at each moment of stressfulness and frustration. We couldn’t have got it without all of you.

Thank you, Ellen, for helping us find this wonderful home. You walked us through the steps of “how to become a homeowner”, helped us see through the reality of this crazy housing market, and explained every detail during the bidding process. We appreciate your patience and encouragement. Thank you, Jim, for being extremely patient with us, and helping us through the chaotic mist of numbers. You’re phenomenal and we really appreciate your time and financial expertise on the loan. And lastly, thank you, Riyad, for putting up with all my stupidity and nonsense. You made things happened when I felt hopeless.

Thank you all for your time. You’re the best! A-team!!!! I would highly recommend you to my friends if they’re looking for housing and needing a loan!

 by Dale Ma

We bought a house in around one month! We actually did not plan to buy a house in the first quarter of 2021. Ellen was enthusiastic and taught us a lot about housing which changed our minds. She was pretty flexible and easy to communicate with. And we were very lucky to buy an awesome house in a super competitive area! I don't think we can get this new home easily without her. I would recommend Ellen to anyone who is seeking houses in the great Seattle area. Especially for first-time buyers, she's very responsive and willing to explain things from scratch.

 by Yu Chao Wang

能找到台灣人房仲已經很難得了,Ellen nice到我一度以為是詐騙集團。2020四月我們還在加州,但想預先做功課準備2020年底西雅圖購屋,Ellen透過line不斷分享物件給我們參考,並耐心分析各區域的特點,最重要的是她想找到我們喜歡的標的,縱使我們一開始還沒辦法形容出我們真正想要的是什麼。就這樣當網友4個多月後我們搬到西雅圖的出租公寓,這時候KC帶我們上山下海到處house touring, 每次我們預約一間,KC會另外找離物件不遠的另一個房屋也讓我們參考,並且非常客觀的分析每一個物件的優點缺點,如同Ellen也是透過不斷的溝通幫我們形塑出心目中最喜歡的房屋和地段。終於在7月中找到心儀的房屋,KC和Ellen對談判還有合約的專業度也讓我們能在激烈的房市中用最快速也最安心的完成了mutual agreement。從頭到尾兩人回復都快速又高質量,不是那種自己可以google出來的建議。從4月到7月中Ellen團隊完全是無償自願的服務,touring跑好多間想給點小費表達感激之意也被立刻拒絕,幾個月下來Ellen是完全沒有提過buyer's agreement,是我自己覺得不好意思才請Ellen他們讓我簽buyer's agreement。買到好房子後還可以繼續和Ellen在西雅圖當好朋友,我們女兒還小,老婆可以繼續請教Ellen很多事情,能從房屋仲介轉換成好友真的是非常難得。誠心推薦給大家!

 by Kenny Peng

非常幸運在美國第一次買房就是找Ellen!跨州購屋又遇上疫情使得我們的原訂計畫都必須改變,看房過程只能透過電話聯繫與網路溝通,人生地不熟又沒有經驗的我們,幸好有Ellen的專業建議給了很大的幫助,總是耐心又冷靜的分析環境、屋況和出價,竟讓我們在多個競爭中第一次下offer就中選,重點是我們並非出價最高的,關鍵的offer letter讓屋主選了我們! Ellen的團隊在買房有關的大小問題上都非常快速回應,貸款中遇到狀況也多虧Ellen的居中協調讓流程順利走完,從開始討論看房到圓滿完成交易只有短短2個月,Ellen的高效與細膩讓我們全家人擁有了一個最喜歡的夢想家園! 真正搬家走進房子的那一刻,也是第一次踏進家門的瞬間,所有興奮和感動無法言喻,當下真實的感受到有一個專業又親切的團隊來保駕護航是多麼珍貴與幸運!感謝Ellen讓我們在西雅圖買房有了最美好的初體驗,全家大小能開心順利展開新生活,大力推薦買房一定要找Ellen!!